Group Coaching
Expand your leadership approach through the benefits of learning in a group with other professionals…
Perhaps you are looking to accelerate your learning through being with other leaders. You maybe feeling despondent as a leader and want to hear how others meet leadership challenges. You could be thinking that hearing from others in similar situations and finding out their success factors will be hugely beneficial. Learning in experiential groups is a very potent way of adding to your professional and personal leadership qualities and skills.
Group coaching could be for you if you are…
Looking for more than just individual professional development…
Tired of going to talks about leadership and want to be doing rather than talking about doing…
Wanting the challenge and satisfaction of learning with a group of likeminded professionals…
Ready for being in an experiential learning situation to practice new techniques…
Open to learning and hearing from others…
Willing to step-up into a new learning experience…
Leadership experienced and willing to share your success and lessons learned.

What group coaching is like?
Essentially group coaching is a combination of professional growth and personal awareness of the impact and influence you have on others and they on you.
Group coaching has become a very popular and powerful option because it comes with the extra dimension and depth of learning from peers. Your peers will be people from different backgrounds and business sectors who all have a similar leadership role.
Leadership coaching groups are a place where you can learn new concepts, experience support, problem solve and receive constructive feedback in a confidential environment. You will be able to practice new models within the group. And know that you will receive feedback from people wanting you to succeed and go further.
Being in a learning group will also provide you with a parallel experience for understanding and experiencing group dynamics. That you can then integrate into your workplace leadership roles and teams.
The seven main benefits to group coaching, are that you will:
Immediately be able to apply all that you learn from the group to yourself, your role and your workplace.
Learn a set of new leadership techniques that you can practice in the group to then take back to your own workplace leadership role
Learn from group feedback in an ongoing basis, allowing you to increase your self-reflection and awareness along with improving your own constructive feedback skills
Hear from other leader’s challenges, how they overcame them and what lessons learned were most significant.
Be able to share your challenges in a confidential environment and receive feedback that could be solutions you may wish to follow.
Experience group dynamics in action and discover ways for being comfortable in leadership group settings.
Have a very experienced facilitator that will ensure each person is given equal time and place along with providing mini-teaching topics for the group to work with individually and as a group.
Transactional analysis offers a wealth of tools and techniques to apply to yourself, the group and your leadership, team and organisational situations. My approach to group coaching is founded in concepts of leadership and group agreements, group scripts and focus, goal setting, problem solving and communication styles to create awareness and self-reflection for the challenges you are facing and the aspirations you have. Through a combination of self-accountability and accountability to the group, you’ll have the opportunity for deepened insights and the ability to reach your goals and more.
How do I find out more about Group Coaching?
Call Mandy Lacy on 027 398 1744, fill out the contact form or email mandy@mandylacy.nz and let her know where you are located. She’ll let you know what is coming up in your area.
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From the boardroom to the shop floor, Mandy has had great success in leadership, team dynamics, professional and personal development.
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