Modern Workplace Learning: The new approach to learning and development in the workplace...
Are you experiencing that seating people in rooms for training in new IT applications or professional development just isn’t gaining traction anymore for anyone involved? The energy organising this, the timing and peoples’ memory capacity are all factors in this approach not working so well. As we know blended learning approaches have become more effective. From the advancements in mobile learning, we are seeing learners adopt digital methods to support their own information and education needs in the workplace. Busy professionals, clinicians and staff tell us they want short sharp pieces of information easily accessible just in time or in real time.
Because of this, learning in the workplace is taking on a whole new approach simply because people are accessing information and education to support their roles through their mobile devices and online activities. This is forcing learning and development departments to change in order to meet learners needs. Organisations Learning Management Systems (LMS) need less time-consuming and separate login situations and more easily accessible micro-byte learning materials to support learning and development in the workplace.
Much is happening in the world of Modern Workplace Learning (MWL) which is the new approach to Learning and Development in today’s workplace. It doesn’t just mean providing modern training, more than it is supporting individuals and teams to learn from and within their daily work. It is about providing ‘just-in-time’ and ‘real-time’ learning along with empowering individuals to take (more) responsibility for their continuous professional development in the workplace. Jane Hart is leading a global revolution in modernising learning in the workplace. This concept is being rapidly accepted because it makes sense to all workforce age groups to be learning on the job utilising the technologies and information we now have access too.
This diagram from Jane Hart is a snapshot of the value and autonomy of MWL. It correlates courses, resources, social collaboration and personal learning with modernising content, developing communities of practice for learning together, and modern digital learning skills.
The benefits of MWL speak for themselves. It is the learners who are driving the change and demanding easy access in the workplace to information and education that supports them doing their jobs. It is the workforce who utilising their access to the technologies available to enhance their learning.

Being curators of knowledge avenues, evidence-based content and best practice forums are one of the new tasks for learning and development specialists. Working through the complexities of social learning, firewalls and online security for organisations is a challenge. Pointing learners in the right direction for where the right information is and the right time has become paramount.
​Mandy Lacy, A MWL Specialist
Mandy is a modern workplace learning specialist in New Zealand. She brings a wealth of experience in leading complex and exciting modern workplace learning initiatives. Not only does she have a master’s degree in learning science and technology from the University of Sydney, she embraces the Modern Workplace Learning approach and knows it is what people in the workplace are responding to well.
Being at the forefront of transformation Mandy has been involved in major IT programmes, iterative digital developments, people change, change and learning, and coaching leaders. She is a consultant and a designer for implementing modern workplace learning initiatives. Mandy has also been an educator at the Sydney University Business School delivering tertiary courses for international Masters students plus undergraduate and masters programs. Currently, her work at the University of Sydney is as a team member designing an innovative data visualisation course for science students and educators. Mandy is an excellent facilitator and trainer in the workplace and educational settings, leadership and coaching programmes along with organisational strategic planning sessions.
Her career spans working throughout New Zealand and Australia. Mandy brings experience from the business, health, education, community and justice sectors in corporate, government and business settings. Mandy has expertise in all aspects of the learning and development cycle for face-to-face training and teaching, blended learning, workplace training programs, instructional design, workplace training and development, micro-learning, real-time and just-in-time on-the-job learning education and professional development.

“Mandy is incredibly forward-thinking and innovative in her approach to learning and development. She enjoys being at the forefront of new ideas and technologies.”
Dr Denise Meyerson
Director, Management Consultancy International
Where to next?
Contact Mandy and ask what Modern Workplace Learning can do for your organisation.
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