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Coaching is about engaging with someone to be there for you, who knows how to ask the powerful questions and will work with you so that you identify the areas you want to address and/or change, envision your future and achieve your goals.
Leadership development is all about increasing our self-awareness of our impact on others. Understanding the influence we invoke on business outcomes, peer leadership and team dynamics, conflict management and problem-solving, is one of the most insightful things a leader can do.
Discover how Leadership Development can make an impact on you and your organisation’s performance…
Previously underrated, BRM benefits are now an expected accountability process. Measuring and reporting on benefits realisation provides more than anecdotal feedback to stakeholders.
Discover how you can identify, plan, measure & report on the impact of business change
External Facilitator
Facilitation of strategic planning, team development or convenor of events:
Mandy is often brought into organisations as an external consultant or facilitator of planning or team development sessions. Having an impartial and experienced facilitator run key meetings can greatly benefit the flow, participation and outcomes.
Fast becoming a sought-after facilitator and convenor of events, Mandy brings people together to address an issue or opportunity.
Contact Mandy for more information on this service.
Workplace teams worldwide are grappling with the complexities of implementation, change and general business. Team meeting processes often fail to collect, store, regularly refer to or build on the learning and knowledge that takes place at meetings and within the team. Let alone following a structure for having purposeful and effective meetings that support the work and teams.
Discover how having a better understanding of yourself, and the people around you, can enrich your dealings with people, at work and in your home life…
Understanding Self and Others is a 2-day course filled with insight generating techniques and ah-ha moments, in a non-confrontation environment. ​
This course has been approved for Continuing Education through the International Coach Federation Continuing Coach Education Program (ICF-CCE).
Participants can receive 12.5 credits for attending the full workshop.
Discover which customised, interactive and highly effective workplace workshop will suit your organisation…
Either pick and choose from Mandy’s menu of inspiring learning and development workshops – or create your own to suit your organisation's needs.
The benefits of professional supervision provide you with an objective, non-judgmental, and qualified perspective, offering both support (for your successes and your failures) and skills for improving your work performance.​
Expand your leadership approach through the benefits of learning in a group with other professionals.
Group coaching has become a very popular and powerful option because it comes with the extra dimension and depth of learning from peers. Your peers will be people from different backgrounds and business sectors who all have a similar leadership role.​
Are you experiencing…
Disruptive and unorganised approaches to implementing change?
Major resistance to the proposed change or initiative itself?
Is there lack of stakeholder and leadership buy-in?
Or no collaborative approach to managing implementations that will change the way people do things?
Are you experiencing that seating people in rooms for training in new IT applications or professional development just isn’t gaining traction anymore for anyone involved?
Learn about the new approach to learning and development in the workplace...
Information about studying Organisation Transactional Analysis as a qualification