TA101 Courses
The TA101 course is the official introduction to the Transactional Analsyis core concepts. Mandy is approved by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) to provide TA101 as accredited continuing coach education (CCE).
This course will provide you with a starting line from which to contemplate TA concepts as they relate to you personally and professionally. You will be introduced to concepts and tools that will increase your self-awareness along with the gaining insights about what may impact and influence your clients, team members and leaders.
​An online TA101 is scheduled for February 2024 as an 8 week course of 2 hour sessions commencing 12th February 2024. You can book online here
Dates for in-person 2 days events coming soon.
If you would prefer to have this facilitated in-house event please contact mandy@mandylacy.nz

The TA101 is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as 14 Continuing Coaching Education (CCE) credits comprising of:
10 hours Core Competencies
4 hours Resource Development
All attendees who complete the TA101 will received a certificate stating the ICF CCE credits. ​
TA is a humanistic modality with practical and instrumental approaches for understanding yourself and others more fully. You will find ways to change the situations that keep happening to you that aren't serving you well.
More information about the TA101 can be found here.
Find out more about TA here.
Download an information flyer here.
Email Mandy to register your interest.
Or phone to discuss +64 (0) 273981744
Further professional development workshops are designed to build on particular TA101 concepts for you to apply to yourself personally and professionally.